Formia Group is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all employees and persons associated with the company.
We recognise the importance attached to Occupational Health and Safety and the need to establish clear goals and strategies to implement and monitor preventative practices and responsibilities.
It is our policy to comply with all the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, all applicable legislation and regulations.
To achieve this policy Formia Group will:
Develop safe systems of work and safety awareness amongst employees and sub-contractors
Provide the appropriate personnel protective equipment for all employees
Access all work environments to minimise hazards within the workplace in order to prevent accidents from occurring
In return we seek cooperation from all employees to maintain a safe and tidy work area
Use and wear the appropriate protective clothing and safety equipment provided for the use at work
Follow company rules and regulations at all times
Formia Grouprecognise the importance to all environmental issues, and the need to establish clear goals and strategies to implement and monitor preventative programmes, practices and responsibilities.
It will be our policy to operate in a manner that will protect both the environment and health of our employees and persons associated with the company.
To achieve this policy we will expect all employees of the company to cooperate with the environmental management plan.
Formia Group will:
Develop environmental awareness throughout the company
Set environmental standards for all persons to follow at all times
Comply with all environmental laws, regulations and permits
Ensure all employees are aware and accept their responsibilities to provide a safe free environment.
The company in return seeks the cooperation of all employees to:
Support and promote environmental practices at the workplace
Follow company rules and government laws and regulations at all times.
Formia Group will ensure, through the implementation and continual review and update of a controlled Quality Assurance System, that the integrity of the company’s operations are maintained at the highest possible level.
Key objectives for ensuring the highest level of quality within the organisation include:
Ongoing training of all management and staff.
Regular system audits.
Documentation of procedures and work instructions for all business areas.
Involving customers for the continual improvement of service quality.
Formia Group is committed to quality and the continual review and improvement of every facet of the organisation.